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24 September, 2011

Un edificio menos  

Un edificio menos
Friday, September 23, 2011 | Por Moises Leonardo RodriguezLA HABANA, Cuba, 23 de septiembre (Moisés Leonardo Rodríguez,  -

La grúa, emplazada en la calle San Rafael esquina a
Aramburu en Centro Habana, congrega cada día a un gran número de curiosos que, desde el 16 de septiembre, se detienen a presenciar la demolición de un edificio, antes destinado a comercios en su planta baja y a viviendas en los dos pisos superiores.

Una pareja que vive frente al lugar, explicó que años atrás algunos
desconocidos se llevaron las maderas con que se apuntalaba el edificio y ello provocó los primeros derrumbes parciales, a pesar de los cuales hubo quienes siguieron viviendo en el lugar.
Aproximadamente tres años atrás y ante el inminente desplome del lugar, los residentes fueron reubicados en los repartos Bahía, Villa
Panamericana y Alberro, todos en la capital.

Continúan explicando los vecinos que inmediatamente después que
desalojaron el edificio, se hicieron presentes a diario los
recuperadores de materiales por cuenta propia que fueron desmantelándolo poco a poco.

"Se llevaron desde las losas de los pisos, hasta los marcos de ventanas y puertas y todo lo aprovechable hasta solo dejar la estructura principal y los balcones, como se ve ahora".

Mientras me retiraba, porque ya desmontaban la grúa por haber terminado la faena del día, una gran algarabía me hizo mirar hacia atrás y ver al hombre al que todos regañaban a gritos, porque se encontraba bajo el esqueleto del edificio arriesgando su vida para recoger ladrillos entre los escombros dejados por la grúa.

  tomado de :


(Sátira)- Escrita en Cuba




(Revisada y Concertada por la Dirección de Ilegalizaciones y Fechoría del Ministerio que ajusticia).

Preámbulo introductorio. 

Atendiendo a las necesidades materiales, generadas por la mala calidad de los recursos que hemos derrochado, y como resultado del desarrollo insostenible de nuestro discapacitado socialismo  irrevocable, el Consejo del Estado y lamentable de la República de Cuba, en reunión solitaria de su presidente simbólico con la asamblea de espejos del órgano legislativo virtual, y previa consulta con el primer secreto de estado del Partido , ha decidido por unanimiedad, reducir la cantidad, (la calidad no es posible reducirla más), de los artículos que conforman nuestra intransparente y mal comprendida Constitución Socialista, considerando más apropiado una síntesis  que responda mejor a la dinámica cultural de las consignas; así como una breve Carta de los Derechos basada en los postulados Marcianos de la Democracia Bolchevique. 

¡Proletarios de todos los países, hundíos! 

Consejo de Mi-mismo - de la República de Cuba. 

Dado en La-gana,Gulag Cuba , a los 50 Eneros del siglo en curso. 

El estado cubano, elegido in-demokráticamente por las armas, a través de los métodos pacíficos de acciónes terrorista y sabotaje, y en pleno uso de las facultades que le confiere la razón de la fuerza, pone a la consideración del pueblo cubano esta constrituración, con el fin de que sea estudiada, analizada profundamente, aceptada, y aprobada de inmediato por unanimidad y sin discusión. 

Guiados :

Por el espíritu de contradicción, entre lo que decimos y lo que hacemos, y la voluntad inquebrantable de seguir avanzando hacia atrás, sin detener nuestro retroceso histórico; 

Apoyados :

En el totalitarismo propietario, la amistad ocasional, la ayuda y cooperación que recibimos de todos los que nos aceptan como somos e iguales a nosotros.

Estamos Decididos :

A llevar adelante el atropello triunfante de nuestra represión honesta  y desinteresada, y defender, hasta la última gota de sangre del pueblo, está retro-volución descabellada por nuestro, coma-andante en estado  de coma ; 


De que los regímenes sustentados en la explotación del hombre por el estado, garantizan la humillación y la degradación de la condición humana, y proveen el sufrimiento necesario para alcanzar el perdón de los pecados, para ser aceptados ante la presencia del otro Dios, y que siendo, como somos, un pueblo profundamente religioso, el ciudadano aceptará el dolor y el castigo como un privilegio cristiano que  yo les impongo desde 1959...; 


De que en el socialismo y el comunismo, cuando el hombre ha sido liberado de todas las formas de propiedad; de la esclavitud de la verdad; de la servidumbre de la decencia, y de las comodidades innecesarias del desarrollo mismo, se alcanza la entera y definitiva debilidad del ser humano; y que nuestra revolución elevó la dignidad de la patria de forma tal que siempre será recordada, como aquel insigne patriota que fue Matías Pérez; 


Nuestra voluntad de que la ley de leyes de la República, esté presidida, por el profundo anhelo, al fin logrado, del que nunca se equivoca: YO-mismo.

“ y yo quiero que el derecho de todos los cubanos, sea el izquierdo”; 


Por la fuerza y el voto " libre " del partido ECO-único,  la siguiente:

Constrcitución Y declaración uni-personal De los derechos-izquierdos cubanos. 

Capítulo único. Definiciones. 

Artículo 1. -Cuba es un estado en coma socialista, de trajinados pendientes del capricho de un soberano HP , organizados con todos para uno y uno sobre todos, como república unicrática, para el desastre de la libertad política, la justicia parcializada, el bienestar de un solo individuo, la obediencia incondicional colectiva, y la desolación de la patria cubana. 

Artículo 2. -El nombre del estado cubano es República bolivariana de Cuba, el idioma oficial es el monólogo, y su capital es la ciudad habanera de Venezuela. 

Artículo 3.-En la república bolivariana de Cuba la soberanía reside en Caracas, de donde dimana el presupuesto que mantiene al poder del estado

( lease: mafia castrista ). Ese poder es ejercido directamente por la fuerza, y demás órganos genitales del Estado, y del que no está.

Todos los ciudadanos tienen el derecho de asumir la responsabilidad por los errores del estado, que nunca se equivoca, y combatir contra cualquiera que intente derribar por la razón, el desorden político, social y económico establecido con el sacrificio de tantos fusilados. 

El sucialismo, que ha probado su eficacia, por años de ineficiencia heroica, y demostrado su capacidad de transformar al país más próspero de L.A. en una ruina total e irreconocible, y crear una sociedad enteramente ajusticiada por el caos, es Irrevocable, y Cuba no volverá jamás a la prosperidad indetenible del capitalismo. 

Artículo 4. -Los símbolos nacionales son los que han presidido, tradicionalmente, al sucialismo presidiario en su lucha por garantizar los desechos sociales: 

La bandera de la guerra solitaria. El himno de los desterrados y El escudo de la doble moral. 

Articulo 5. -El partido comunista, marciano y machista-lenincida es por erección de nuestro puesto, el órgano injerencista superior que organiza, orienta, y rige unilateralmente los desatinos de la Nación en la construcción del Suciolismo y el avance de la soledad Comunmisma. 

Derechos, deberes y garantías fundamentales. 

Artículo 6. -todo el que trabaja tiene derecho al descanso y sacrificio de su tiempo libre, que se garantiza por el trabajo " voluntario ", cuya participación se realiza bajo la protección de la democracia coercitiva.

El trabajo es remunerado conforme a las posibilidades de cada trabajador para encontrar soluciones alternativas ilegales, que le permitan, dentro de  la falta de control estatal, alcanzar la indebida compensación económica, dentro y fuera de los límites que establece el incumplimiento de la ley. 

El estado fomenta el desarrollo de valores subjetivos, con el fin de enfrentar las necesidades peligrosas de la realidad concreta. 

La crisis económica mundial y el criminal bloqueo imperialista, nos ha obligado a flexibilizar la corrupción estatal, favoreciendo la integración de todos los revolucionarios, a los métodos históricos de apropiación ilícita de lo ajeno en tiempo de paz,  para lo cual contamos con la vasta experiencia, la cooperación desinteresada, y el apoyo incondicional de los altos dirigentes, funcionarios y cuadros destacados del partido y el gobierno, quienes se comprometen a garantizar la impunidad socialista, para salvaguardar las conquistas estatales de la robolucion contra el pueblo.

Se consideran delitos enemigos, aquellos que no estén respaldados por la participación de los infractores, en todos los actos de apoyo a la revolución, el sucialismo, y la familia de la monarquia real.

Quedarán sujetos a investigación y vigilancia, hasta ser instruidos de cargos, todos aquellos trabajadores que por razones inaceptables de conciencia y principios, decidan, contra la voluntad del estado, vivir del salario por su cuenta o independientemente del "estado".


Articulo 7. - Los fundamentalismos de la política educacional, se basan en los avances de la ciencia y la técnica canina, el ideario Marxchista, la traición pedagógica, y los estatutos universales de la casas de empeño.

La enseñanza es función del estado y es “gratuita”.

Eso si y pero ...con 50 anios de trabajos voluntarios y participacion en las guerras de "solidaridad   internacionalistas" que tanta sangre ,lagrimas y luto cuestan a cientos de miles de madres cubanas.

En los niveles primario y secundario, se garantiza a los niños y jóvenes, todo el inmenso caudal del conocimiento básico y elemental, de un programa de alfabetización.

Cuba es el único país de la edad de piedra que ha logrado avances en la robótica de los híbridos.

El ministerio de educación, en coordinación con las órdenes del Partido Comunista, aplicará en todos los centros educacionales del país, un método de enseñanza, creado a partir de las ideas genitales de nuestro koma-andante, conocido con el nombre de: “simulación del movimiento en la estática absoluta”, y que consiste en el control desde edades tempranas, de la libertad de pensamiento y expresión, creando lo que se conoce como: 

“ El espacio cero de la profundidad del vacío habitual”, un estado mental permanente, donde todos los cambios se producen en la fantasía. 

La enseñanza técnica profesional y sobre todo la universitaria, será selectiva mediante la prueba de ingreso …, a la U.J.C. 

Quedarán exentos de este requisito todos los cubanos nacidos en Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, y cualquier otro país de Centroamérica o de otras partes del mundo que, por razones de oportunismo ideológico, desean estudiar en nuestro país. 


Articulo 8. -La ciudadanía cubana se adquiere por nacimiento reconocido, o por naturalización negociada.Y se pierde o se gana segun la  conveniencia del Jefe o Capo de la robolucion.

El estado de la república de Cuba, sólo reconoce el nacimiento a los revolucionarios incondicionales, a los opositores arrepentidos, y a los que ingresan al país como turistas. El resto, se consideran no concebidos y por tanto, no existen en las estadisticas nacionales. 


Artículo 9. -El estado socialista reconoce el derecho de los extranjeros a solicitar la ciudadanía cubana por motivos personales. La ley establece prioridades por razones humanitarias, para los casos de guerrilleros perseguidos injustamente por acciones terroristas, líderes políticos del narcotráfico, inversionistas del lavado de dinero y cualquier prófugo honesto del mundo,o un bien definido enemigo de los Estados Unidos. 

La familia. 

Artículo 10. - El estado reconoce la familia cuando es la célula fundamental de la cosa nostra. Las demas celulas  o nucleos son solo numeritos  en las estrambotisticas
del gulag
Todos los ciudadanos cubanos nacen huérfanos de padres, y en su condición de menores, reciben la protección del estado como hijos de la patria. Y como para los padres los hijos nunca crecen, es responsabilidad de las autoridades patrióticas del gobierno, garantizarle la escasez alimentaría imprescindible para resistir, y un amplio adoctrinamiento ideológico que les permita agradecer el privilegio de haber nacido en un país que la sabiduría divina puso tan cerca de la Florida. 


Articulo 11. -todos los ciudadanos son iguales ante la obligación de cumplir espontáneamente la voluntad democrática del partido único y su capo ,  y están sujetos, y atrapados por igual, a las órdenes que sabiamente emanan de las reflexiones intestinales de nuestro comandante en heces. 

En el socialismo, todos los ciudadanos disfrutan, sin distinción, de la igualdad totalitaria. 

Otros derechos y libertades No expresados en esta Constritución: 

Artículo 12. -todos los derechos y libertades reconocidas internacionalmente, que sin una razón u otra no aparecen en esta constritución, se han omitido para evitar que el imperialismo yanqui nos acuse de plagio, y debiliten nuestra invisible economía con una demanda por apropiación indebida y uso no autorizado de los derechos de autor. 

Declaración final. 

Esta constitución sólo puede ser reformada por la asamblea de los poderes Estomacales, las emisiones diarreicas agudas, las evacuaciones incontrolables de la vejiga, y las reflexiones testiculares de nuestro invisible Nomandante en jefe. 

Carta de derechos.

Declaración unipersonal de los derechos cubanos

Artículo 1. -todos los seres cubanos nacen esclavos e iguales en dignidad y sometimiento, y dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben ser vigilados fraternalmente los unos  por  los otros. 

Artículo 2.-toda persona cubana es libre de cumplir obligatoriamente los enunciados proclamados en esta declaración. 

Articulo 3.-todo individuo tiene derecho a la muerte por fusilamiento, a la libertad extrapenal y a la Seguridad del Estado estar por encima de  él o ella ...en toda circunstancia y lugar. 

Artículo 4.-todos son iguales ante la ley de fuga y tienen sin distinción,  derecho a igual aplicación de la ley. Menos los altos  capos de la robolucion y del des-Gobierno.
Estos ultimos son mas iguales que todos los demas.

Artículo 5. -todo ciuda-enano tiene derecho a la libertad de coincidencia con el pensamiento oficial; este derecho incluye la libertad de cambiar su religión por nuestra creencia ideológica, así como la libertad de creerse, que puede cambiar otra cosa. 

Artículo 6.- Todo ciuda-enano puede ejercer la libertad de pensamiento y expresión. En consecuencia, todo cubano tiene derecho:

A pensar en voz baja mientras duerme

A quedarse callado cuando habla y a expresarse en silencio. 

Artículo 7. -Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y sin represión. Este derecho incluye el de no molestar al gobierno a causa de sus opiniones y el de investigar y recibir información sobre lo que le puede pasar. 

Articulo 8. -toda persona humana tiene la libertad de andar como un saco de desecho , este derecho garantiza la libertad colectiva, la tortura " pacífica"  y el control estatal sobre los medios de producción, para qué no se produzcan protestas masivas que puedan interpretarse, erróneamente, como una manifestación de disgusto. 

Artículo 9. - Todo ciuda-enano del pueblo tiene la libertad de elegir el culto y la religión que desee y que no contradiga la voluntad atea del sucialismo,y del máximo guía espiritual del materialismo dia-leptico e histriónico. 

Articulo 10.-Todos los seres cubanos, sin distinción de raza, color, sexo, opinión política, religión o cualquier otro antecedente penal, tiene el derecho cubano - universal, de recibir la remesa familiar proveniente de los Estamos Unidos, cuando nos conviene.( a nosotros ,los capos duenios del gulag Cuba)

De esta forma, el estado de asfixia sucialista promueve las relaciones bilaterales y reconoce el papel que está jugando la "hiscoria" en la solución de los problemas económicos de la familia cubana y por supuesto de la mafia en el poder y sus familias

herederas al trono.
Nota oficial. 

Nada de la presente Declaración podrá interpretarse en sentido figurado so pena de 

castigo penal y ejemlarizante y en coma-cordancia con la divina voluntad del Capo en jefe maximo en todo y de todos.
Nuestra decisión histérica de no respetar ningún pacto ,ni acuerdo o resolucion internacional, responde al derecho de los pueblos, al derecho a la libre auto-destruccion  y a nuestro rechazo a cualquier forma de ingerencia, en los asuntos internos de un Estado.Menos  nuestra propia ingerencia en los asuntos internos d eotros Estados.i.e. Vencubazuela ,Nicaragua, Bolivia etc.etc. etc

Nuestra Soberbianía Sucialista jamás será Vandida ni negociada. 

¡Soiyomismo o muerte!

¡Seremos como el manco Che, a la horizantal !




16 September, 2011



By Pedro Martori


For decades the world , the mass medias and the left have mistakenly the perception 
and belief that the regime imposed by blood and fire to the Cuban people have made
positive changes and corrected the ills of the former..Cuban regimes .

Most people around the world have a wrong idea and knowledge of what that Cuba was.
To blame for this we should point to the regime’s propagande machine that was one of the
most powerful communications machine and infrastructure in the world. 

Adding to those Facts and means is the undeniable fact that the regime was supported 
and had the support From the ex-Soviet Union and the rest of its colonized satellites in
Eastern Europe that added to the repetitive choir of lies and rethorics from Castro’s
propagande machine of disinformation.

But time has been always the father of all truths. Time has gone by to show the reality of 
the new Cuba under a destructive regime or better put, of a hating blood thirsty tyrann
Who inherited a prosperous and full fledging Economy and a nation that had positioned itself
among the others as the number 23 in the world and third in the American context.

Far from an indigenous and underdeveloped nation, Cuba was in many respect on top of
many countries in Europe and the Americas. i.e. Even Canada was behind Cuba in many 
areas of development.

Such as unions organizations, a huge gamme of consumer items that were not found in Canada
or even the USA but could be found in little “poor & underdeveloped “ Cuba. An exemple :
top of the gamme swiss made watches ,such as Only the very rich might and even so no always
they are aware of what a Patek Phillipe is.

I know that many people in North America ignore what a Patek Phillipe is.
This is just one of the hundreds of exemples that most people around the entire world ignore
about the Cuba that Castro took over in 1959.

One of the best exemple to describe that other Cuba is the number of Cuban Banks ( 50 )
With their branches all over the nation. On top of those Cuban ones tere were two Canadian banks :
 the Bank of Nova Scotia and the Royal Bank. Not to mention the main American Banks which were
also present in Havana and a few other towns.

If these facts don’t let the readers figure it out, nothing else that I write in here will.
The fact that Cuba has been portrayed -- by the biased propagande from Castro’s 
machine of disinformation and that that was coupled with the Mass Medias biases 
from around the world – as if it were a very backward or underdeveloped nation must
be rectified , redressed and in case of doubt by anyone : investigated and researched.

Just the numbers of BANKS present in the Cuban Economy, give an idea that it was not 
such a poor country, not the miserable and backward nation most people have believed it was.

It is not a surprise that after swallowing the infinite amount of lies by the Castro’s machine
of propagande  and the cover up  by the medias leftists around the world, that most people believe
all those lies  spread over the span of these last 52 yrs.

How can it be that Cuba was so poor with so many banks ?
American, Canadians, Spaniards and 43  Cuban banks ?

How come that Cuba prior to Castro’s regime had a very small Foreign Debt of less than $300 million as compared to the huge one Castro has contracted in the last 52 yrs. 
and that  the present day Debt is actually somewhere around $ 30 Billions ? ?

This should also open the eyes of those that have believed all those lies from that regime.
Check the site : to read the complete list of the countries  with which  Castro  has an outstanding  Credit Debt of more than $12 billions .

The best proof that Cuba WAS NOT what the propagande and disinformation says in terms of Economic
and Development can be found in the Commerce Telephone book guide published in the ending year 
of 1958 to 1959 that is : PRIOR TO CASTRO’S TAKEOVER. ! Prior to all the lies and disinformations.

In those pages are found hundreds of Jewellery shops and factories,  the car dealers by the dozens, the Flower shops,Cinemas ( Cuba boasted more Cinemas houses than New York.) and so on. And on …and on when Cuba was only 6,7 million inhabitants. Cuban actual currency was at par with the american dollar. Both  types of moneys  were used freely by the people in their daily life  transactions.

In those times prior to 1959, Cuba had 167 Sugar mills operating and producing an average 
of 6, 5 millions tons of sugar.Cuba was the number one exporter of the product in the world. 
TODAY those sugar factories left are less than 30 and having lots of trouble to function
and produce efficiently. NOW Castro has to import some Sugar…SIC !

In 1959 Cuba’s Construction business was booming and with only two cement plants ,
one in the Mariel sea port and the other in Santiago of Cuba,yet  managed to supply all the demands.

TODAY and since the last part of the 70's ,there are FOUR PLANTS and the lack of home units, 
apartments is in the order of the six digits, the people  in Cuba need over 2,5 millions units
to satisfy the needs. Yet the regime is far from solving the critical and  intolerable miseries that almost 3 million Cuban families are suffering because  of the lack of housing. A fact that makes the direst terrible 
living conditions  and that  are worse than what  the people around the world could ever imagine.

Is it necessary to describe the miserable conditions of the actual and present day living 
conditions in those old buildings that might fall apart crumbling down because 
of the age and lack of maintainances. ?

Just to simplify, those families live in small areas that are less than a room and a half in many cases,
yet crowded into it there they live THREE GENERATIONS OF CUBANS.
The grand parents , the parents and the children. Sharing the toilet and shower rooms in the same
building, ther are some 50 or more families. Just imagine if you could enter any of those toilet ( WC) “rooms”…

All these conditions are the ones Cubans have to endure for the last 52 yrs and after 
Castro took over and the hopes for any improvement are farther and farther away. 
In the mean time the Castro’s have been exporting Cuban produced cement,
and construction materials to several countries in the region.

While we write about living conditions and crumbling buildings, let’s not forget 
the Cuban Public Services infrastructures which was mostly INHERITED from the regimes 
prior to Castro’s one. Acueducts, highways, bridges, ports and airports , Schools, Hospitals 
were in the numbers of the network of Public Services .For instance , in the Capital Havana 
of the 20 Hospital in service today, 17 were already there when Castro took over.

Some of them were just build in those later days of the former Batista’s regime. 
Such was the case of th Oncologic Hosp.The Naval Military Hosp. in Havana. 
Outside from the capital the sam Batista’s regime build the biggest hospital of all Cuba
in the central part of Cuba in the midst of the mountains, the TOPES DE COLLANTES SANATORIUM
in the locality by the same name. (Escambray Mountains).

It is tough true that during this Castro regime some more hospitals and schools were built too.
But the fact is that not all of what is found in Cuba after 1959 was built .by Castro’s regime . 

Today , the Topes de Collantes Hospital does not show up as a hospital in the statistics,
Castro took great care to it,and converted it into a Hotel to erase any traces
of positive  legacies left by Batista’s regime or any former president of Cuba. 
Erasing, denying and criticizing or demolishing any thing from the past or prior to his rule. 
As if to give the impression that Cuba as it is  seen today  was all made by his regime. 

These facts, no matter how many times we Cubans have tried to make them known and acknowledged
by the Mass Media, have not ever covered or reported by them. In seldom or rare occasions
known and then a true and honest journalist will cover and report of these facts or investigate
to the deepest of the issues the reality.

This is why today I am trying to describe and bring up the comparison and the balance
of the last 52 yrs of tyranny and the cost of it to the Cuban people.
So where are we Cubans now ? In what state of development is it Cuba today ?

In the Economics issues and in the general living conditions what do we find in Cuba today?

We must start by defining and describing who and what is the cause of the retrogradation of Cuba
to the level of the NUMBER 85 NATION IN THE WORLD.
A ruling gang acting and operating as a mafia gang. Using the same methods of a mob group.
Blackmailing the population inside and outside of the Cuban gulag.
Charging exhorbitant prices for foodstuff at the Special Stores where only hard currency
is adccepted. 

Now ask yourself : From where  and from who are the Cubans in the island,getting
that  hard currency if they are only paid in Cuban pesos ?

So the answer is : Cubans who have relatives abroad can get help and remittances
in hard cash that then they are obliged to exchange to the Cuban government mafia
for a special money  called CUCs and  in that process the Cuban Mafia rulers skim
from 12% to 23 % of those remittances from abroad depending on which currency is exchanged.

Extortion, using the old mafia method to extract money from Cubans inside or outside
by jacking up to an excessive level the  prices of any services from the regime’s burocracy
 or for the right to get in Cuba or to get out of Cuba. Fees for all and any red tape must be paid
in Hard Currency ,dollars or euros. The prices are so insolent and indecent that they
are mind boggling, but if a Cuban wish to vist his or her relatives in the Cuban gulag ,
hey must paid all what is asked from them.A Cuban Passeport cost over $230.00

The Cuban who wishes to enter or leave the gulag has to ask for a permission to do
so and this “permission” has to be paid too. $150 .00 or so
If a cuban abroad wishes to sent to his /her relatives some goods, such as clothing, medicaments,
or food, the prices are so exhorbitant that we can’t but define them as blackmail.

For instance each pound in a parcel or luggage sent to Cuba cost from around $10 to $12 .00.
If a Cuban travels to Cuba, the luggage will be weighted and charge $10.00 per each pound
That anyone from any country abroad wish to call a person in Cuba, he or she will have to pay
the most expensive rate price in teleph calls in the world. For instance a call placed from
Canada to Cuba, using Bell Co. will cost $ 3,75 a minute . Other means are via Calling Cards
and Calling Companies that always will charge , at the least ,$0.90 a minute.

 While a call from Canada to the farthest nation in the world will be less than
0.30 cents Cuba gets a big share or chunk of the price on each call to Cuba
All these cases can be classified under the BLACKMAIL issue.

But the regime’s mafias methods and tacics do not end just here.
The regime has been accused and sued for falsifying brand labels or products.
Even made false champagne with south African wines.
The drug trafficking has been well documented. and some transportation and delivering
operations have been filmed on videos.

Traffick of humans also enters in the gamma of “business “ Selling Visas to Cubans
desperate to escape from the gulag. Transporting clandestinely from Cuba to the USA
Cubans for the whooping price of $8,000 a head.
A government or nation which has to depend on such ways for imcome is what ?
Even when the regime was sucking up the Soviets , at a rate of $ 3 to 4 billions per year
They never stopped the plundering robing and pillaging the cubans by the bias of the
nationalizations” or confiscations.

All of Cuba’s productive base , infrastructure, and productive sectors were taken over
by this mafia in power and under the leader “maximo “ Fidel Castro . Not only the foreign
or American properties but as well the Cuban ones were taken over or “confiscated”.
Americans businesses were ousted .

However today, the same regime is imploring for their return and their investments…
yet not a single word from this thuggish regime about INDEMNIZATION FOR THE 
PROPERTIES AND THE LOSES IN 52 YRS. for not having them and getting  no profits.

Same story for the thousands of Cubans whose properties, businesses and factories were
taken under that raging madman Castro’s rule. So we can see that the criminal and unfairness
from the tyrann , at the beginning of the 60s , has lead to nothing but total demise and the destruction
of the national productive infrastructure and the basic sources of wealth for that nation.

The sugar Industry is in total desarray , destroyed in more than its 80%
Many of the agricultural products are not yielding the amounts and thus the incomes.
Except for a few agro items the rest of the Cuban traditional products output is not
showing up and can’t be counted for as a source of revenues.

The LAND WAS CONFISCATED, “NATIONALIZED” but despite three ( 3 ) Land Reforms
and the almost total control of the land and its production the people are not able to get all the foodstuffs without a Rationning Book. Over 85 % of the agricultural lands are in the hands of the regime 
or “government” More than 45 % of it is idle and by now covered by bad herbs and unproductive brushes.

 Was not this one of the reasons claimed by that same Castro in those days
 to confiscate the land from landowners ????

Never before 1959, Cubans had to suffer from a rationned system for Food, Clothing,
 medicaments or anything. Yet despite all the finantial help or assistance from the Soviets,
 the many credit lines granted by the Paris Club ( France, Belgium, Germany,Italy etc) Japan,
 Argentine, Spain and Canada and Mexico in the amount of over $ 7 billions starting in 1969
the regime has not given the Cuban people anything better than miserable dwellings,
 lack of houses, rationing of food, repression , and bloody anticuban executions of political opposers.

The false claim that this regime has given the Cubans social improvements as
 “free Education and Health care”can be easily debunked The regime has exalted 
and exploited the Cuban mass of labor or workers for the last 52 yrs.under
 the so called “Voluntay Work” scam or an imposition to the whole manpower under 
the guise and the slogans ,demagogically conceited and conceived to make the people 
work for no pay and so the“revolution” , the Patria or the Nation could go ahead and d
evelop faster and better for the future generations.SIC !

52 years have gone by and the third generation is still waiting for better conditions of living…or let’s be realistic..they are waiting for the best opportunity to get out and escape that hell.
Two millions or more have left that island since 1959. BEFORE people immigrated to Cuba.

And more are still longing and wishing they could escape the gulag conditions and the repressive regime. 75,000 have perished either under the firing squads of in their attempts to escape from Cuba. 
Or  during those foreign expeditions and wars in Africa, Asia and latin Amer. where Castro sent them to pay with their lives the so called “free “ Educ. and health care.

Today, the island is on the verge of more difficulties and adverse conditions than ever.
and despite the new credit lines by China $ 680 millions and the Venezuela dictator Hugo Chavez transfers of oil at a rate of 75 ,000 barrels per day. The conditions will not improve unless there is a true change and a 180 degrees turn in the stand the dictaroship has used as a leif motive of false flag to keep the totalitrian control on the Cubans.

Because at this pace oand rate of endebtment the Cuban future generation will have to pay an undesirable high price and interest that these gangsters in Cuba have contracted to save their bloody dictatorship from crumbling down.


12 September, 2011

Canada's Oil Sands Are a Jobs Gusher

Remarks : A couple of days ago I wrote something  about this  same issue.
Read  just below this excellent article. P.MARTORI
Wall Street Journal-
For all its soaring rhetoric, President Obama's "jobs speech" last week didn't demonstrate a lick of insight into why economies grow or how wealth is created. It was merely trademark Obamanomics: using government diktat to move money that's over here, over there.
Having spent an hour the day before with Ron Liepert, the energy minister from the Canadian province of Alberta, I found it especially disturbing to hear nothing in the speech about reversing the administration's anti-fossil-fuels agenda. Canada has recovered all the jobs it lost in the 2009 recession, and Alberta's oil sands are no small part of that. The province is on track to become the world's second-largest oil producer, after Saudi Arabia, within 10 years. Meanwhile Mr. Obama clings to his subsidies for solar panels and his religious faith in green jobs.
U.S. unemployment is high because capital is on strike. Short-term offers to coax investors into taking new risks aren't going to cut it when they have been forewarned that the president intends to pay for it all by raising taxes in the out years. The market dropped over 300 points the day after Mr. Obama's speech.
On the regulatory front the picture is even gloomier. Much of America's vast untapped energy potential lies dormant because Mr. Obama's regulatory watchdogs have spent the past three years throwing sand in the gears of the permitting process for exploration and exploitation on federal lands. Separately, TransCanada has been trying since September 2008 to get a permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to the Gulf Coast. The Environmental Protection Agency has so far blocked it. Associated Press

TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline could mean 118,000 American jobs, if the U.S. government ever issues the permit.

A glimpse of what all this has cost the U.S. economy can be seen by looking north to Canada, where animal spirits have been unleashed in the energy sector. Canada's close economic ties to the U.S. have traditionally meant that when the U.S. gets the sniffles, Canada gets swine flu. This time it's been different. Part of the reason is that Canada's housing market was not poisoned by a federal government push to put unqualified borrowers into homes they could not afford. After the 2008 collapse of the housing bubble in the U.S., the Canadian financial sector remained strong.
That alone was not enough to protect Canada from the effects of the U.S. recession. The manufacturing sector was hit hard, and in the first quarter of 2009 the economy contracted by an annualized 7.9%.
Yet Canada has outperformed the U.S. since then. In 2010, according to the International Monetary Fund, Canada grew at 3.2% versus 2.9% in the U.S. In 2011, the IMF estimates Canada will grow at 2.9%; unemployment is now 7.3%. The IMF's U.S. growth forecast is 2.5% this year, and U.S. unemployment is 9.1%.
One explanation for Canada's more robust growth is its strong commitment to energy, which has become more valuable in U.S. dollar terms under Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's inflationary policies. Alberta is now producing two million barrels per day but expects that number will grow to four to five million within a decade.
Alberta's oil and gas industry supports more than 271,000 direct jobs and hundreds of thousands of indirect jobs in sectors such as construction, manufacturing and financial services. The province has an unemployment rate of 5.6%. There are also some 960 American companies involved in Alberta energy, supplying equipment and technology, among other things. As an example, Mr. Liepert says, "dozens of Caterpillar tractors, made in Illinois and Michigan and costing $5 million a piece" work the oil sands. He says the region is on track to create more than 400,000 direct American jobs by 2035. The Bakken region of North Dakota, where private land ownership gives drillers relief from federal obstructionism, shares a similar, if smaller, story. Oil production there is booming, and North Dakota unemployment is 3.3%.
TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline, if the U.S. ever issues the permit, will mean $20 billion in investment.
The company says the construction phase will require 13,000 direct hires and indirect new jobs could total 118,000 in the U.S.
But Keystone XL is only a fraction of the potential that could be released if Mr. Obama changed his energy policy. In a study commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute and released last week, the energy consultancy Wood MacKenzie estimates that pro-development policies could, by 2030, "support an additional 1.4 million jobs, and raise over $800 billion of cumulative additional government revenue."
On the other hand, according to the study, current policies "which slow down the issuance of leases and drilling permits, increase the cost of hydraulic fracturing through duplicative water or air quality regulations, or delay the construction of oil sands export pipelines such as Keystone XL, will likely have a detrimental effect on production, jobs, and government revenues."
A serious jobs proposal would address these issues. Mr. Obama doesn't have one.
Write to O'


By Peter Martori





The incompetents are so irrelevant when sorting out solutions for the present crisis, that

they should out of respect for their electorate base, resign ipsus facto outright.

Then people are wondering about the choices they made at the last presidential elections,

when they see and corroborate the tremendous mistake listening to the “snake charmer” whose chant was “CHANGE”. But change what?

Was not America the most attractive society in this world for millions of immigrants?

If that is the truth, then what were those changes that the democrats were proposing about?

Or what for the so said “changes” they claim are needed? Or for who?

This time around the American average citizen is not going to be duped and influenced by the left leaning biased journalists that are ever present in the Mass Medias.

Those hypocrites try to undermine the real Democracy by using all their dirty biased criticisms on the people in the other side of the political spectrum. Aggressively asking questions that are irrelevant or detrimental to the candidates they do not like, while on the opposite, facilitating to their favorites candidates the nicest possible presentations with anodynes questions or the ones that would not endanger the candidates image.

These behaviors are not only unfair, but also outright dirty and a despicable unmoral way to try to influence and induce the common people into error or in other words: a mistaken appreciation of the candidates in lice.

These leftists within our democratic system, are and have been prone to apologize and even defend the most repressive regimes in History: the regimes under the Marxist-Leninist dictators or totalitarian governments that relate more to a criminal mobster gang than to any socialist ideology. Yet these hypocrites and their discredited Marxist agenda or the Marxist dictatorship disguised as socialism, keep on promoting the doctrine that gives them the opportunity to satisfy their revengeful ambitions, their thirst for destroying what they think is the cause of their own failures and jealousies: Capitalism.

These are people full of resentments and hate. These people are not looking for Justice, or what they call “social justice “. They are looking for the imposition of a tyranny whereas they could opportunistically and cowardly gain access to positions from which they can exert and apply all their hate and revengeful feelings against those they had so much envied. They would thrive and delight in humiliating, repressing and depriving people of their belongings under a “social project “ that they call egalitarian or “socialism”…SIC!

They would give a damn when the whole of the Economy succumb to their incompetence and

whimsical management of the nations resources and assets. Their only goal and motivation is to

satisfy their thirst for revenge, to see the richer and the middle classes deprived of their Freedoms and Rights, dispossessed of their properties and belongings, humiliated and fearful of their hatred.

If the Economy goes down, if the productive bases, the productive sectors of the society and the nation as a whole get down, goes stagnant or fail to render its normal and historical yields to enrich the society, they do not care. They were since always gleefully dreaming to see one day the total decomposition of the capitalism and its right to exist under Democracy.

They do not care if the jobs will vanish in the wake of their destructive and incompetent management of the whole nation Economy affaires.

Their goal is the destruction and demise of an Economic System (capitalism) that has proved to be the only and best source of welfare, development and progress for the humanity as seen in all of the most developed nations, in those nations where the right to own properties has enhanced, enriched and promoted the creation of jobs for millions of people.

Were it not for the capital investments in France, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Sweden, or Italy, those nations would have never accomplished the feat of getting one of the most developed and richer societies. In comparison and in a huge contrast we can take the former Eastern European nations satellites or colonized by the ex-Soviet Union. To see that the misery and lack of Freedom and Democracy only lead to a backward, crude and inefficient development of the national resources in each of those former “socialist nations”.

We must remember how people tried to escape from those Eastern European nations toward the Free and Democratic Capitalist nations of Western Europe.

We can compare the two Koreas, North and South Korea. Taiwan, Hong Kong with big old China. And the former two German states, the Eastern and the Western Germany ?

But above all we all must remember how and why over 60 millions people have died under those “socialist systems “ in nations as the former Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cambodge,

Rumania, all of the Eastern “socialist nations” and very close to the USA: Cuba.

We must remember that those millions of human beings were executed, in the name of that same ideology that the American leftist are pruning and defending as a valid system or as a just cause. A doctrine which the present president of the USA, BHO, has embraced and pushed during almost all of his youth and present day political agenda associated to those former Marxist groups from the 1960s to 1970s.

I want to clarify that any socialist idea as a socio-political tool is not a negative thing if it is used in its real and true essence and not in the form of the travesty deformation and misusage that the demagogues and would be tyrants try to use or impose it upon people. We can see socialism at work in a positive way in most of those same European Union nations. The rich, developed and democratic nations that have capitalism as a productive system while their governments implement socialist

Laws that benefit the people without taking away their rights, freedoms and properties.

There is no way to justify the crimes and atrocities committed by the communists or so called socialists in the former Eastern Europe countries and China, Cuba, North Korea, and many other undemocratic states around the world. Therefore, Marxist-Leninists, commies, lefties, socialists or

anarchists, in which ever brand that you might put these people are totally in contradiction with real socialism and democracy within which capital can prosper and create richness, jobs and a better standard of living.
Pedro Martori
 18 AUG 2011
 Trade liberty for safety or money and you'll end up with neither.
 Liberty, like a grain of salt, easily dissolves.
 The power of questioning -not simply believing- has no friends.
Yet liberty depends on it.