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24 April, 2011

The Rev. Franklin Graham says he wonders why President Barack Obama has avoided producing his birth certificate

Sunday, 24 Apr 2011 10:37 AM
By Hiram Reisner

The Rev. Franklin Graham says he wonders why President Barack Obama has avoided producing his birth certificate.

The Rev. Franklin Graham says he wonders why President Barack Obama has avoided producing his birth certificate, according to Politico. Graham also told Christiane Amanpour on ABC’s "This Week" that the president "has some issues to deal with" when it comes to proving he was born in the United States.

"He can solve this whole birth certificate issue pretty quickly," Graham said. "I was born in a hospital in Asheville, North Carolina. And I know that my records are there, you can probably go and find out what room my mother was in when I was born. I don’t know why he can’t produce that. It's an issue it looks like he can answer pretty quickly."

Graham, who has prayed with Obama, said the president has told him that he’s a Christian, but allowed that "there are many people that do wonder where he really stands on" his religion.

Nobody is above the law !

You can fool some of the people some of the time,

but you can't fool all the American people all the time !

Let the truth be known !

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